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Mitchell street is now known as Orana Early Learning


Our Mission is to support, nurture and encourage children’s strengths through our play-based environment, where children feel empowered to seek out their own learning.

Mitchell Street’s unique philosophy believes in the benefits of providing holistic approaches through learning experiences for all our children in child safe caring and nurturing environment.  Mitchell street’s values incorporate the need to honour the family, nurture our children and care for our environment using sustainable practices. We encourage children’s families to be active participants of our curriculum. Mitchell Street ELC offers a nurturing environment providing high quality care and education within a nurturing setting. Children are encouraged to explore their environment, using their imaginations, creativity, and individuality. We believe that through developing a sense of belonging and providing opportunity for children to be children they will become confident learners.


Mission Statement

In Relation to children:

·        We encourage a strong sense of identity

·        To be confident and involved learners

·        We will encourage children to experiment and explore

·        Respect and celebrate culture and promote the cultural diversity

·        We will share and care for each other

·        Respect and share the cultural safety of Aboriginal and Torres strait Islander children

·        Respect and share the cultural safety of linguistically diverse backgrounds

In Relation to families:

·        We will treat and view families as valued partners, collaborators, and positive advocates for their children

·        We support parent involvement in all aspects of our daily curriculum

·        We work with families to assist them in their wishes and future aspirations of their children

In relation to staff:

·        We appreciate and acknowledge our team as individuals and respect diverse personality traits, beliefs and cultural backgrounds.

·        We believe in networking with each other and with experts in our industry in relation to ongoing education for best practice for our children.

·        We are dedicated to keep our team inspired

·        We share a zero tolerance to discriminative, bullying behaviour

In relation to our community:

·        The centre supports several community services through donations.

·        Regular calendar events in the centre help raise awareness within the centre’s community for various local and national causes and assists in promoting the centre's commitment to its local community.

·        Through the centre educators liaise closely with external health specialists, jointly working towards positive health incomes for the children.

Text Box: Update and revised April 2022 Mitchell Street believes it is important to educate our children using the Victorian Early Years Framework, where play is our children’s work and their way of exploring the world around them. We encourage them to be curious and ask questions-why, how, where, when and what. The National Quality Standards and Law and Regulations guide our practices. We are strong advocates for Child Safe Standards and protecting all children from harm.